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Explore our kit. Use promo code: NEWUSER for a discount on your first purchase

Translucence Universal Tissue Clearing Kit

Your pathway to a streamlined, reliable, and user-friendly tissue clearing workflow

Featured in the 2024 BRAIN Initiative Calendar
Image depicting Brain Vasculature created using the Translucence Universal Tissue Clearing Kit.
Kidney Smooth Muscle Actin
Coronavirus-Induced Spinal Cord Neuroinflammation
Liver Bile Ducts
Tyrosine Hydroxylase Brain Hemisphere
Liver Vasculature
Brain Vasculature

A robust solution for all your tissue clearing needs

The Universal Tissue Clearing Kit, in combination with your chosen antibodies, empowers you to effortlessly clear and stain an extensive range of tissues, including mouse brain, lung, liver, spinal cord, and more– no experience or specialized lab equipment required.

Need expert guidance for a specific tissue?
Reach out to our dedicated kits team at kits@translucencebio.com, to discuss your research needs.

Product overview — high quality results you can count on

The Translucence Universal Tissue Clearing Kit is the ideal choice for next-generation 3D histology across various tissues. It stands out as the preferred option for researchers seeking an easy path to expert-level tissue clearing.

Clear your tissue of choice while using your preferred antibodies

Translucence Biosystems’ modified iDISCO-based clearing protocol allows you to achieve the same high-quality clearing that we provide with our services in your lab

Our comprehensive ecosystem empowers researchers to achieve impactful results

Translucence Biosystems is dedicated to partnering with researchers on their path to discovery. We recognize the critical role that three-dimensional analysis of biological samples plays in advancing scientific research.

That is why we have developed a comprehensive approach to 3D histology, integrating innovative tissue clearing techniques, state-of-the-art imaging technologies, and advanced quantification pipelines.

These solutions enable rapid, reliable analysis of intact samples, revealing insights often overlooked by traditional 2D slice IHC methods.

When to Expect Results

Our protocol calendar breaks down the clearing kit process into manageable steps, so you can keep track of progress and stay on schedule.

We know that time is of the essence when it comes to your research. That's why we've created a handy protocol calendar that lays out the Neuronal Activity Tissue Clearing Kit Protocol in a clear, easy-to-follow format.

Protocol Process

For detailed information on the Neuronal Activity Tissue Clearing Kit Protocol refer to our product manual on our support page, An abridged version of the protocol can also be viewed.

Included in the kit

Reagents and Disposables for 5 Whole Mouse Brains:
— 10x Washing Buffer 1;
— 10x Washing Buffer 2;
— Permeabilization Solution;
— Blocking Solution;
— Primary AB Buffer;
— Secondary AB Buffer;
— Anti-Npas4 Antibody;
— Anti-cFos Antibody;
— Npas4 Secondary Antibody (568);
— cFos Secondary Antibody (647);
— Sample Tubes included.

Predictable timelines

Our protocol calendar outlines the clearing process in manageable steps, helping you track progress and maintain your research schedule efficiently.

Predictable workload

Our protocol overview and user-friendly protocol allow you to accurately assess workload and optimize your time effectively.

What is included in the Universal Tissue Clearing Kit

Reagents and Disposables for 5 Whole Mouse Brains

  • 10x Washing Buffer 1

  • 10x Washing Buffer 2

  • Permeabilization Solution

  • Blocking Solution

  • Primary AB Buffer

  • Secondary AB Buffer

  • Sample Tubes

Our team is available to provide personalized recommendations for positive control antibodies tailored to your specific tissue type.

Partnering with you on your path to discovery

Our ecosystem of 3D histology solutions is designed to accelerate your research process and help you achieve your research goals.

In addition to our products and services, we are proud to offer a team of expert scientists to provide support and guidance throughout your path to discovery.

At Translucence Biosystems, we are not just a provider of 3D histology solutions– we are a partner in your research success.

Ready to embark on your pathway to a streamlined, reliable, and user-friendly tissue clearing workflow?

The Universal Tissue Clearing Kit provides a robust solution for all your tissue clearing needs.

Speak to a scientist

We’d like to answer your tissue clearing questions and provide recommendations to support your existing workflow

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