Parkinson’s Disease

Brain-wide assay to measure ɑ-synuclein & Tyrosine Hydroxylase throughout the brain, supporting Parkinson’s disease research and aiding in the development of novel therapeutics


Measuring α-Synuclein and Tyrosine Hydroxylase is important for Parkinson's disease research. In Parkinson's disease, α-synuclein misfolds and aggregates to form insoluble fibrillar structures called Lewy bodies. These Lewy bodies are a hallmark pathological feature of Parkinson's disease and are believed to contribute to the degeneration and dysfunction of TH-positive dopaminergic neurons.

Monitoring the levels and distribution of TH-positive (dopaminergic) neurons can provide insights into the extent of neuronal loss and dysfunction in different brain regions affected by Parkinson's disease.

Learn more about our work with ɑ-synuclein & Tyrosine Hydroxylase on our science page →

Parkinson’s Disease


Supporting Parkinson’s Disease Research and Aiding in the Development of Novel Therapeutics

Experimental Treatments that Contribute to Parkinson's Disease Pathology

Perform your favorite behavioral, pharmacological, genetic, or other manipulation, and send us your samples. Or collaborate with us, and we’ll perform the animal treatments for you.

Whole-brain Tissue Clearing and Labeling of ɑ-synuclein & Tyrosine Hydroxylase

The ɑ-synuclein & Tyrosine Hydroxylase Full-Pipeline service employs Translucence Biosystems’ modified iDISCO+ tissue clearing protocol to render intact samples optically transparent, facilitating labeling of α-Synuclein & Tyrosine Hydroxylase across the whole brain. Anti-α-Synuclein antibodies label the fibrils and cells containing α-Synuclein.

Light Sheet Imaging of ɑ-synuclein & Tyrosine Hydroxylase Distribution

Cleared, labeled brains are imaged on the Lightsheet Z.1 equipped with the Mesoscale Imaging System™. The Mesoscale Imaging System™ is optimized for imaging large intact tissues with unprecedented speed and resolution and is compatible with the high refractive index solutions used in tissue clearing protocols, such as iDISCO+.

Translucence’s imaging pipelines capture cellular-resolution, whole-brain images of α-Synuclein & Tyrosine Hydroxylase distribution.

Light Sheet Image Stitching

Translucence Biosystems employs our in-house developed software solution, Stitchy, for automated light sheet image stitching. Stitchy is a robust software solution that stitches large imaging datasets 2.5-5.5 times faster than leading commercial software solutions. Stitchy enables seamless integration with downstream image analysis pipelines by eliminating intermediate file formats.

AI-Powered Brain-Wide Identification of ɑ-synuclein Aggregates and TH-Positive Neurons

The Translucence Teravoxel Toolkit (3TK) software performs AI-powered automated quantification, segmenting and quantifying objects of interest. Brain samples are aligned to a common reference atlas to identify ɑ-synuclein aggregates and TH-positive neurons in hundreds of brain regions. This delivers high-resolution spatial data on protein expression patterns as a function of experimental or pharmacological manipulation.

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Parkinson’s Disease


Tyrosine Hydroxylase (TH) Staining of a Whole Mouse Brain

Tyrosine Hydroxylase (TH) staining of a whole mouse brain visualizes the distribution of dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine-containing (catecholamine) neurons and endocrine cells. TH is a key enzyme involved in neurotransmitter production. Immunohistochemical detection of TH expression is one tool for visualizing and quantifying damage and loss of dopaminergic neurons, involved in disorders including Parkinson’s disease. Sample imaging performed on the ZEISS Lightsheet Z.1 equipped with the Mesoscale Imaging System™.

Whole-Brain Visualization of Tyrosine Hydroxylase Distribution

Volume quantification tool used on in-house 3D Tyrosine Hydroxylase staining. Our newly developed volume quantification tool does not segment individual objects, but measures the total fluorescence in each brain region. Because TH staining is very different in different brain regions, segmentation is problematic, so we used this new tool to calculate TH integrated intensity across hundreds of brain regions.

The Parkinson's Disease Full-Pipeline Service

Supports Parkinson's disease research by elucidating the molecular underpinnings of the disease and aiding in the exploration of new therapeutic strategies targeting α-synuclein aggregation and dopaminergic neurodegeneration.

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