
September 29, 2021

Translucence Biosystems is a 2021 High Tech Awards finalist

Translucence Biosystems is a finalist in the Outstanding Emerging Technology Company category at Octane OC's 2021 High Tech Awards (HTA). Special thanks to University Lab Partners for making our work possible!
Damian Wheeler
June 30, 2021

Celebrating the Fourth with Neuroscience Fireworks

Credit for this work goes to an NIH-supported team that includes Ricardo Azevedo and Sunil Gandhi, at the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, University of California, Irvine, and their collaborator Damian Wheeler, Translucence Biosystems, Irvine, CA. Azevedo is also an NIH National Research Service Award fellow and a Medical Scientist Training Program trainee with Gandhi.
Damian Wheeler

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